• 04 Apr


    Client / Makpetrol
    Campaign for rebranding fuels, campaign for promotion of the loyalty program VERNA, and campaign for national consumer promotions.
    All of the campaigns included: adevrtisements in newspapers, outdoor advertising, printed materials and TV and radio commercials.
    By kreatif_admin
  • 03 Apr


    Client / FORD
    Image and sales campaigns for a range of new series of vehicles.
    The campaigns included: advertisements in newspapers, outdoor advertising and printed materials (brochures and flyers).
    By kreatif_admin
  • 03 Apr
    Roche / Borka

    Roche / Borka

    Client / Roche
    Programme of: Roche
    Implemented by: Citizens’ Association “Borka”
    The campaign promoted new ashtrays as part of the activities of the Association for raising the awareness of the citizens about the danger of lung cancer, especially in smokers.
    By kreatif_admin
  • 30 Mar
    Ministry of Economy / Energy Efficiency

    Ministry of Economy / Energy Efficiency

    Client / Ministry of Economy
    Public campaign for raising awareness for energy efficiency and electricity savings
    The campaign included: printed materials (brochures and leaflets), outdoor campaign, debates and lectures, TV and radio commercials.
    By kreatif_admin
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