Services – TR Communications Training


Communications Training
Clear, confident, effective communication is the key to success. Let us help you succeed.
Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important life skills you’ll ever learn, and we are here to help you.
Remember, addressing a crowd doesn’t have to be an ordeal – know your audience, know your subject and keep it simple.
Public speaking is an art form made easier once you understand your audience, their hopes and expectations.
We can show you techniques that will help you handle all aspects of public speaking, from developing your key messages, to handling difficult questions and dealing with challenging behaviour and awkward people.
We show you how to develop and deliver your key messages empathetically, by turning your presentation around and imagining it from the point of view of your audience. This will help you to soften a formal speech and let it flow in a more conversational style.
Keeping words simple and sentences short gives the intimate touch, which means that people feel you are talking personally to them. That really helps if you have challenging messages to deliver around potentially emotive issues.
So whether you are presenting at a conference, reporting to the Board or speaking at a public meeting, we will help you prepare, plan and take control of all types of presentations, building your skills and inspiring confidence.


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