When your company has an important announcement to share, how do you make your story relevant to the media? How do you establish relationships with key journalists to ensure your news isn’t ignored? How can you remain resilient when the media keeps poking holes in your news angle? Kreatif’s Communications and Media Strategy Network has the answers you seek. Our team of PR specialists studies and practices the essential three R’s of sound media practices to achieve tangible results for our clients.
Borrowing from the advertising discipline of media planning, the PR specialists at the Communications and Media Strategy Network help clients identify their target audiences, uncover the media consumed most often by that audience, and unearth and develop compelling stories that resonate with editors at those outlets. In other words, we ensure that our clients’ stories remain relevant.
At one time, it seemed that advancements in technology would make it easier to develop relationships with journalists and producers. The Communications and Media Strategy Network knows how to exploit new technologies to your competitive advantage without forgetting that the development of long-term relationships — based upon trust and experience — with key journalists represents the cornerstone to our public relations agency’s success.
Our PR specialists carry an intimate knowledge of the country’s leading news outlets and our clients business, key audiences and messages, mix in a large dose of creative and innovative “selling,” and top it off with a healthy dose of persistency. We maintain that if we can’t get the job done, it can’t be done.